Home Block

Spotting a successful farmer

Last century a sheep farmer could be spotted as soon as he pulled into town, but Paul Burt says identification isn’t so easy anymore.

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A question of priorities

He’s had a holiday, but now he’s home, Roger Barton is seething about a government minister’s apparent hypocrisy.

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Quiet onfarm, frantic at finals

Hemp product marketing and home farm maintenance kept Blair Drysdale busy on his Balfour farm this winter, and then came the Young Farmer finals.

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Sugar beet a winner

David Walston writes from the UK where weather and pricing are dictating his planting schedule.

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Hard to get a job from a poor man

Rather than focus on money, NZ should be focusing on education to resolve society’s ills, Paul Burt writes.

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The Politricks Horror Show

Jane Smith’s pleased there’s been a good autumn on her farm, but worries this year’s election might be a horror show.

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Happy pets and election dread

Mac the Labrador is good at fetching firewood and he could make a good gun dog if Mark Guscott was a duck shooter.

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Regrets – I have a few

Mark Chamberlain finds himself looking forward to a gap year he wasn’t expecting.

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Weather, cats and the future

As Paul and Suzie Corboy hit ages ending with a zero, they’re thinking about what to do next in life’s big adventure.

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