Crops and Forage
Pasture renewal
The end of 2021 has seen rampant inflation in farm costs. Pasture renewal that cost about $1000/ha a year ago is now looking to be closer to $1250/ha or higher.
Upgrade stops 45% water loss
Pipes replacing an open canal have transformed water supply to a Waitaki Valley irrigation scheme. Story: Terry Brosnahan. Photos: Chris Sullivan.
Finding the balance
Strict crop rotation is a key to success for the Bierema family on their Mid Canterbury farm, Annabelle Latz writes.
Long grass farming a winner
The use of fescue with clovers has transformed a Southland farm bordering Fiordland, Terry Brosnahan writes. Photos: Chris Sullivan.
What is an agronomist?
Following on from the September issue ‘What is a Scientist?’, Country-Wide posed the question: What is an agronomist?