Crops and Forage
Surviving high fertiliser costs
Is the recent spike in fertiliser costs temporary, or will farmers have get used to it, Doug Edmeades writes.
Whole farm test additional
The aim of whole-farm soil testing is to give a better definition of the spatial variability (paddock by paddock) in soil fertility, Joanna Cuttance writes.
Designer genes
Geneticist Nicola Dennis scans the world of genetic modification, mostly outside New Zealand.
‘Everyone wants wheat’
Growing demand, especially with Russia’s war in Ukraine, is seeing improved plantings and prices of arable crops in New Zealand. By Glenys Christian.
Don’t forget the three Ss
On some farms, pasture renewal will be essential to get the farm back up and running, but on most, there are likely to be higher-level priorities, Bob Thomson writes.
Seeking the best of both worlds
Pasture production is a driving force on North Otago’s Awakino Station for manager Dan Devine and partner Jasmine Matheson. Victoria Rutherford reports in the second part of a series on the operation.
Taming a prickly problem
Pasture redevelopment has been part of the solution to an infestation of nodding thistle, Lynda Gray writes.
Maize stacks up
Cracking the code of the right variety, irrigation and wind protection sets maize up as a winner for a southern beef operation. Story and photos by Lynda Gray.
Early bird gets the worm
Morgan Inness reports on the benefit of monitoring for porina.