Crops and Forage
Clover and ryegrass best mix
PhD research from Lincoln University has found the best pasture mixes, Joanna Grigg writes.
Digging deep for soil quality
A farming operation relies on good soil so it pays for farmers to understand it, Lynda Gray writes.
All-grass wintering revisited
Fifty years ago Southland farmers were into all-grass wintering. Now there is interest again in more use of grass and less of crop, Ken Geenty writes.
Less crop, not all-grass easier
Graham Butcher discusses the pros and cons for cutting back on winter forage crops with grass.
Seeking optimum fertility
A poor-performing paddock is the result of low soil fertility, not age of the pasture, Dr Robert McBride writes.
Be wary of RA coaches
Lincoln University’s Professor Jacqueline Rowarth was saddened but not surprised when she learnt about farmers whose land and stock had failed to thrive under a regenerative agriculture (RA) regime, writes Jo Cuttance.
Consistency needed in ag reforms
New Zealand has the potential to lead the world, so long as regulation doesn’t get in the way.
Budgie breeder to scientist
Dr Peter Fennessy described himself as a curious person who always had an interest in biology, variation, evolution, genetics, and people. By Jo Cuttance.