
Care with lush lucerne

February rains have seen dry stands of lucerne flush with green leaf. Professor Derrick Moot, Lincoln University, says the rain was welcome but has led to management issues for lucerne.

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Taking to the handpiece

Alex Clapman Typifies the West Otago community spirit that drove the ‘Shear 4 Blair’ Waitangi Weekend shearing marathon.

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What’s your gadget?

The Fieldays Innovation Awards applications for 2022 have opened, and individuals and businesses with innovative solutions to the world’s food and fibre challenges are encouraged to apply.

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A bent for wire art

Entries have opened for those with a creative bent with a piece of wire for the Fieldays No.8 Wire National Art Award.

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A whanau in farming

Four of the King family and their parents have all enjoyed successful farming careers.

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The perfect break 

A surf therapy initiative which is helping improve mental health and wellbeing in New Zealand rural communities is set to return at beaches across the country. Surfing for Farmers is back for its fourth season across 21 locations this summer. 

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History in a slab hut

Story and pictures: Malcolm Pullman

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Banking on the land

Despite some compelling arguments in defence of banks’ being overly watchful with agri lending, there are now some factors that should encourage banks to have lending conversations with farmers. By Phil Edmonds.

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Rich in name and history

Richwyn has been owned by the Martin family since 1886 when Sheldon’s great grandfather Murdoch along with four brothers (all quite young) rode from Fordell near Wanganui to Rangiwahia each to take up an 80ha block of heavily bush-clad land.

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