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The Fieldays Innovation Awards applications for 2022 have opened, and individuals and businesses with innovative solutions to the world’s food and fibre challenges are encouraged to apply.

In Boundaries1 Minutes
The team behind last year’s Protype award winner, the Springarm flexible ballcock arm for stock water troughs.

The Fieldays Innovation Awards applications for 2022 have opened, and individuals and businesses with innovative solutions to the world’s food and fibre challenges are encouraged to apply.

The innovation lifecycle has three award categories: Prototype, Early-Stage, and Growth & Scale. This range of categories allows individuals and companies, big or small, to get the support, recognition, and mentoring they require to take their innovation to the next level. Special recognition is also given to younger innovators, with an award for the Fieldays Young Innovator of the Year.

The total prize package is over $60,000 worth of cash, services, and products with tailored opportunities to progress innovations in each award category.

Entries are open until May 1, 2022. Apply now at fieldays.co.nz/innovation.