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Rubbish as a resource

Plastic waste from farms isn’t just rubbish, it’s a resource. As a product stewardship scheme, Agrecovery doesn’t just collect your plastic farm waste, it cares about the products that plastic is turned into.

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Flying into farming

Ron Small started off shepherding people around the skies. Now he prefers shepherding sheep and keeping his flying for fun. His 30-year professional flying career helped him get a foot into land, eventually owning the 3000-hectare Blairich Station in Marlborough. Words Joanna Grigg Photos Jim Tannock

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Optimising opportunity

Livestock plays an important role on most arable farms. Heather Chalmers of the Foundation for Arable Research talks to two Mid Canterbury mixed arable farmers about how they are optimising the integration of cropping and livestock.

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Connected to the land

A shared passion for food and a love of the land bond Hugo and Pip Beamish, as they embark on their new farming journey, taking over the management of the Beamish family property, Awapai, with a view to beginning farm succession. Words Rebecca Greaves

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Episode 29 – Why is the spotlight on rural banking?

Rural banking is a hot topic. The government says it has heard farmers’ concerns about a disparity between rural and urban bank lending practices, and has requested an inquiry into the state of competition in New Zealand banking, with a particular focus on rural areas.

Hear from those in the industry about why they believe this inquiry is needed, whether the current situation is unfair to farmers, and where personal business responsibility fits into this. Federated Farmers also outline the results of their latest banking survey, and what they hope will come from the inquiry.

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Making the most of the rain

Water has always been a precious resource for Central Otago farmers Tim and Camilla Rutherford, and they’re keen to ensure they utilise every drop that falls from the sky. Words Rebecca Greaves

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Episode 28 – How to make or break our future with emissions?

The government has announced that agriculture will no longer be included in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for now, but the effects of climate change and the way we might potentially price agricultural emissions are still front of mind for those in the sector. Industry bodies say that New Zealand food producers need to think about how a global demand for sustainably grown and produced food will impact our place in the supply chain.

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Are your ewes getting what they need?

The ewes in a sheep business are its engine room. There aren’t too many days in the year when you shouldn’t be thinking about whether they are getting what they need. Senior Genetics Consultant and CEO at neXtgen Agri, Dr Mark Ferguson offers some expert advice.

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Episode 27 – Utilising genetic tools on our farms

It’s bull and sheep buying season, and advancements in the genetics space are continuing to develop, to provide sheep and beef breeders with better New Zealand specific data. But how do farmers make the most of this information?

We talk to genetics specialists, Dr Shannon Clarke from AgResearch, Genetics Specialist and Gemma Jenkins from Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Informing New Zealand Beef programme, about projects running at the moment, what data they already have available, and how farmers can start using it in their systems.

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How to save on your vet bill

A bit of money spent on a conversation with your vet can save you more than you might think - don’t look at what free giveaways you get and forget about the free ham for Christmas, look at how you can use necessary products most effectively. Words Sara Sutherland

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