
Scanning for IMF in sheep

Scanning cattle for their intramuscular fat has led to a similar programme with sheepmeat, James Hoban writes.

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Red meat trumps plant-based

Results from ground-breraking New Zealand research have shown red meat is a better source of protein than a processed plant-based alternative.

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Breeding low-methane burpers

Breeding for low methane sheep research aims to show it can be done. Nicola Dennis explains the science.

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Keeping an eye on the future

As an almighty scientist Nicola Dennis gets some family guidance on research possibilities.

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Who’s a scientist?

A number of people call themselves scientists, but some are associated with pseudo-science products and practices sold to farmers. Country-Wide asked scientists what their definition of a scientist is.

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Future-proofing the sheep industry

Improvements to sheep genetics could lead to a decrease in chemical treatments Sandra Taylor reports.

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AgResearch lamb rearing technical manual

AgResearch has just completed an update of its orphan lamb rearing guide for farmers, first published in June 2020.

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