Mycoplasma bovis

MPI and the OIA process

The OIA to MPI is back and it lacks basic information on the Mycoplasma bovis eradication programme. Dr Nicola Dennis explores the OIA process and the unanswered questions.

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More questions than answers

Kerry Dwyer writes about the frustration he and many other farmers experienced with the Ministry for Primary Industries as it struggled to deal with Mycoplasma bovis. He’s still wanting answers.

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Techno grazing making good sense

Brothers Mack and Toby Lynn run Wakelins Station in Northland, confident in their decision making and happy to learn from their mistakes.

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Mycoplasma bovis: Reviewing the reviews

In part four of the Mycoplasma bovis series, Nicola Dennis delivers a timeline that delves into the detail – the good, the bad and the ugly – as New Zealand battled to control the M bovis outbreak.

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No better, no worse off

In the second part of a series on Mycoplasma bovis, ag scientist Nicola Dennis investigates the science of human trauma and the moral injustice of the M bovis eradication programme.

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Mycoplasma bovis (and the lessons we have yet to learn)

In the first in a series on Mycoplasma bovis (M bovis), ag scientist Nicola Dennis traces the history of New Zealand’s outbreak and some of the lessons.

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