Free Trade Agreements

Episode 31 – How will EU deforestation regulations impact meat exporters?

One of the hot topics at the Red Meat Sector Conference this week was the recently enacted EU deforestation regulation, and how this will impact New Zealand meat exporters. Rebecca Greaves talks to farmer and Special Agricultural Trade Envoy for New Zealand, Hamish Marr, and lawyer Sarah Salmond, about this and more - including negotiating the minefield of Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs) and whether we should join forces with the Aussies.
Then hear from McDonald’s New Zealand's Simon Kenny about what they’re doing to get ahead of the game when it comes to sustainability, meeting their climate obligations and goals with their beef suppliers.

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Ready to thrive in a changeable world

Adaptability is crucial to maintain our standing as a premium beef exporter. Words by Sirma Karapeeva, Chief Executive, Meat Industry Association

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