Country-Wide December 2022

Hearts of oak

East Coast farmer Peter Arthur loves his oaks, and he’s planted many over the years.

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Climate Commission picks it

The Government’s proposals for an agricultural emissions scheme have largely followed the independent Climate Change Commission’s suggestions. By Joanna Grigg.

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One year in and the barns are working

Composting shelters have allowed the family to escape for a soak at Hanmer Springs, despite a severe weather warning, Gaye Coates writes.

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Time for advocacy over?

The government seems to be pushing as much controversial legislation through as possible before next year’s election.

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Top diet and sleep means more bark

A nearly five-year study of farm dogs in the South Island has given owners and vets a lot to chew on. Annabelle Latz reports.

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Drought prompts rethink

Drought alternating with extreme wet weather has prompted a Golden Bay couple to adopt a mixed pasture regime on their lease blocks. By Anne Hardie.

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The breed or buy-in ewes question

More profitable alternative enterprises may be accommodated if replacement stock are bought or grazed off farm, Tom Ward writes.

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Mycoplasma bovis (and the lessons we have yet to learn)

In the first in a series on Mycoplasma bovis (M bovis), ag scientist Nicola Dennis traces the history of New Zealand’s outbreak and some of the lessons.

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Hill country horrors

Hill country sheep and beef farmers are caught between Government and industry emissions proposals that have the same result, James Hoban writes.

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Check the trace element tank

Deficiencies of trace elements, unless severe, usually go unnoticed, Vet Trevor Cook writes.

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