First Nudies set for auction
Sheep farmers will have their first chance to buy ‘Nudie’ ram lambs at an auction at Masterton Showgrounds on March 1.
Focus on performance
Jo Cuttance reports on a programme crossing Merino rams and Romney ewes to lower the wool micron measure.
Ram breeding needs incentives
It may be paradoxical, but Dorian Garrick believes that the success of NZ’s breeding value maternal worth has hampered farmer-led innovations.
Fine tuning for tupping
There are definite benefits in pushing lambing later than what is often the average for your region, writes Ken Geenty.
Tips for buying bulls online
In the leadup to bull sale season 2020, with limited viewing opportunities due to Covid-19 restrictions, it is even more important to spend time establishing your breeding objectives, matching traits to those objectives and continuing to develop your understanding of estimated breeding values (EBVs). Words Anna Boyd.