Short but sweet

Kestrel is the perfect kale for sheep.

In Brand Spotlight1 Minutes

Kestrel is the perfect kale for sheep.

Not only is this crop the ideal height for sheep to graze, it also delivers high leaf percentage and the softest, most digestible stems that make it enjoyable to eat. That’s why Kestrel is the trusted quality kale.

Key benefits:

  • Grazing from 120 days
  • Flexible grazing, suitable for late summer/early autumn/winter feed
  • High whole plant metabolisable energy (MJME) content
  • Potential yield 14,000 kgDM/ha
  • Good regrowth if lightly grazed over summer
  • Strong disease tolerance

Talk to your local seed retailer to see if Kestrel kale is right for your farm. For more information visit