Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) Genetics launched nProve last month – a new tool that makes it easier for farmers to find the best rams for their farming operation.
Sarah Powdrell, sheep genetics operations specialist at B+LNZ Genetics, says unlike existing SIL tools, which are primarily for ram breeders, nProve is for both breeders and commercial farmers.
“It is an online tool that helps farmers identify breeders making progress in traits important to them. Using a series of buttons and slider scales you can refine exactly what you need from your ram team. The end result is a list of breeders whose rams tick those same boxes.
“Our breeders are constantly taking real-world observations and measurements of their animals across a wide range of traits. All of this information feeds into New Zealand’s world-leading genetic engine in SIL. NProve taps directly into this information, so you are presented with transparent objective results.”
Sarah says she has worked alongside several commercial farmers, watching them use Nprove for the first time and see how quickly they “get it”.
“Nprove is free and there is no need to register. Once you get started, you’ll find yourself wanting to have more of a play – tinkering with the sliders to prioritise different traits and experimenting to see which breeders come up for you.”
Nprove will not show which ram to buy, but shows breeders who sell rams that match what farmers are looking for.
“The breeder is best placed to understand your needs and match you to animals that are fit for your purpose. Take the time to discuss your operating environment, challenges and objectives so they can help you achieve progress in the areas you want.”
More? Visit beeflambnz.com and search “better sheep breeding”.