Delivering the production demanded by New Zealand’s world-leading farm systems requires a significant investment in research, development and real-world testing.
That is why Seed Force has invested in establishing a large-scale research and development centre named ‘SF Henley’ near their headquarters in Canterbury. Natalie Stocker, Seed Force New Zealand Research Coordinator explains; “while Seed Force has carried out large scale trials nationwide across a range of species since its inception in 2006, this is the first time that all our species have been able to be accommodated on one site. This is crucial, as with our partnership with RAGT we are integral to the breeding and selection process across an ever-increasing range of species.
“SF Henley is just one of multiple trial sites for Seed Force, but its scale allows us to resource and expand the range of trials and test new ideas and technologies. We are especially interested in evaluating species which will help New Zealand farm into the future under potentially stricter environmental and nutrient considerations”, Natalie says.
Through Seed Force, New Zealand and Australian farmers are able to gain access to the comprehensive species advancements from these efforts.
It takes years of development to create a new cultivar, but by investing the time, effort and resources required helps ensure confidence in a variety once it’s commercialised.
“It’s really exciting for our agronomist team who are based on-site to follow germplasm through from its early development to its final commercialisation”, Natalie says.
As part of its journey with SF Henley, Seed Force will be opening the gates for an industry day during March. This will highlight its efforts across a range of species to help ensure New Zealand farmers have access to robust genetics to fit a range of farming systems and practices now and into the future.