Data access for all

By: Jo Cuttance

In Crops and Forage2 Minutes

Dr Sonya Olykan presented on behalf of Professor Derrick Moot about AgYields – a national database for collation of past, present and future pasture and crop-yield data.

The AgYields’ database was established to bring together published data from research programmes and data from unpublished field records’ trials, to be stored in one place and accessible online. The vision was to populate the database with many data sets and have comprehensive pasture yield information from a diversity of species, different environments and management situations.

Olykan said the database represented a place where data could be preserved and accessed by everybody. In future the database will be added to, which could be used to look at a core range of issues related to pasture and crop growing. The opportunity existed to expand the format of data downloaded to make it easier to create figures of pasture and crop production in different regions of New Zealand.

Scientists at the conference were invited to submit their data. Initially, data uploaded came from nationwide screening to determine what information was available and useful for published work. Unpublished data sets included experimental data from Lincoln University student projects and data from farm or paddock field notes.

  • The database can be found at