Corson Maize Offers an Effective Solution
The Mackys have been farming their Waikato dairy property for around 110 years.

The Mackys have been farming their Waikato dairy property for around 110 years. Andrew (the 2022 Waikato Dairy Manager of the Year) is the fourth generation to work on the family farm. He milks 320 Jersey cows on 98 hectares (effective) through peak milk production and he runs them in two herds.
Andrew is passionate about farming and enjoys sharing his knowledge on best farming practices on his YouTube channel, The Once A Day Farmer. He has been growing maize hybrids from Corson Maize for 10 years and with dry summers and pressures to tackle climate change and nitrogen leaching, he believes maize offers an effective solution to farmers. “It’s a good summer safe crop, even in a really dry year we still average a 20t crop compared to the average pasture paddock yielding 13t. Plus we can stitch in an annual and get another 8t during winter.”