Introduced in 1845, Cheviots are found throughout New Zealand, providing a hardy, low maintenance sheep that does well on both hard high country and easier lower country.
The Cheviot is gaining a growing reputation as a successful hogget sire and this lift in popularity is expected to continue as the rising value of lambs has seen a big increase in hogget mating.
This proven sire effectiveness, with high lambing percentages and low mortality overall makes the Cheviot a consistent performer and proven sustainable breed renowned for easy lambing, vigorous lambs, hardiness and even runs of lambs.
Cheviot ewes are good foragers and their ease of lambing, mothering and milking ability are all qualities that are passed onto their offspring. The Cheviot produces quality prime breeding stock with excellent hybrid vigor as a first cross. No matter what breed the Cheviot ram is mated with, many satisfied farmers have proven that their ewes have less lambing problems, fewer ewe deaths, a high lamb survival rate with good lamb growth rates.
Farmers using Cheviot sires state: “They are good lambs out of the hoggets, up and running when born, easy lambing”; “They had those prick ears and a ‘get up and go’ about them. I was impressed with the overall constitution, particularly the rear muscling of them”; “They come forward in good condition, even in drought these lambs have the ability to grow, gain weight and finish on grass”.
More? contact The Secretary, Cheviot Society of NZ – or 03 318 8260 or