
Measuring ewe BCS is important

As we move into full winter mode, now is a good opportunity to prioritise feed to ewes based on body condition score. Laura McQuillan-Reese writes.

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Deer Aunty Thistledown

Don’t you get sick of all the busybodies and politicians casually discussing the demise of the meat industry? New Zealand’s livestock numbers are trending downward, the national ewe flock is being decimated, and still they clutch their pearls and ask “when will something be done about the farmers”?

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Gimme shelter

Poplars and willows give umbrella-like shelter for the lambs on Tom Mandeno’s north Waikato farm, writes Glenys Christian.

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Plan and monitor for control

Vet Trevor Cook gets confirmation of the value of being in control and minimising risks.

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Top feed, top cattle

The challenge for beef farmers is to meet animal feed requirements as much as possible from seasonally available pasture, Dr Ken Geenty writes.

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A winning partnership

The FS Partnership hill country sheep and beef equity operation has taken out this year’s Tararua Farmer of the Year title. By Sandra Taylor. Photos by John Cowpland.

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Challenging the status quo

The ewe flock is the powerhouse for the Dawkins family’s farming operation in Marlborough’s Waihopai Valley. By Joanna Grigg. Photos by Jess & Paul Jones.

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A fat lot of good

Some fats are good for us, others not so. But then there’s the star - intramuscular fat. Nicola Dennis explains the benefits of IMF.

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