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Shaking off the winter blues

Columnist Dani Darke returns to her keyboard with observations of spring on the family’s Aria sheep and beef farm.

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Surgeons take charge of The Boss

When The Boss ran out of puff, The Chief Inspector booked him into hospital. Charlotte Rietveld plays nursemaid.

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The realities of farming

For Gaye Coates and husband Murray the end of winter has allowed them to focus on the ‘doing’ part of farming.

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Beauty treatment down the drain

Following a Code Brown alert, Paul Burt spends a day on the tools before admitting defeat and calling a plumber.

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Oh, the hypocrisy

Mark Chamberlain seeks a translation for one of his cooperative’s box-ticking exercises.

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Niche operator

Robert Hodgkins has found a niche on his Hertfordshire farm in England selling the Romneys to arable farmers as a means to control blackgrass and increase soil fertility.

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After the dry, the deluge

Fickle weather has been a challenge for Roger Barton setting up for the new season.

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Life is mud and a masseuse

With a mild but very wet winter there’s been a lot of mud and massage for Suzie Corboy in the Catlins.

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Trees pressure land market

Life is starting to return to something resembling normal in Scotland following the most recent Covid-19 lockdown, John Scott writes.

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