Editor’s Note

Reality check hits home

A recent farmer survey recorded farmer confidence had plummeted even though farm gate prices are soaring. Initially I thought: so what, everyone is feeling down with the Ukraine war, Omicron, and rising costs.

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The summer of discontent

The Wellington protesters have outstayed their welcome but is the protest the start of many?

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terry brosnahan

A tough choice to make

After two and a half years and 140 options, He Waka Eke Noa offers two pricing mechanism options.

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Taking a calculated risk

A wedding is a great way to celebrate especially this year with all the Covid disruptions.

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Why don’t farmers protest more?

Yet again as we went to print a farmer protest was about to take place. It’s a shame some people undermined the protest with their agendas and social media comments.

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Care with changes

Will wool make a comeback or not? That’s the question many farmers may be asking after seeing a brief rally in the price only for it to drop again.

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A fight for hearts and minds

Farming doesn’t seem to be connecting with urban New Zealand and needs to find new ways of doing so.

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Cancer is colour blind

When Shaun Bradley was fighting for his life against stage four B cell non-Hodgkin's followed by a secondary brain tumour, it was family, friends and the immediate community who came to his aid.

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Damn the torpedoes

The banning of export livestock shipments is another case of legislation based on emotion, not fact. The ban was more to do with a boat sinking in September last year than major breaches of animal welfare.

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