Editor’s Note

Don’t accept the status quo

Banks and supermarkets should be called out for hypocrisy. They demand sustainable practices from farmers and egg producers, but don’t adhere to them themselves.

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Emotional consequences

We often hear references to the economic or environmental costs but what about the emotional price?

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Time for advocacy over?

The government seems to be pushing as much controversial legislation through as possible before next year’s election.

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NZ needs farmers to be wealthy

A recent flight to Sydney the first time I have been out of New Zealand in four years, a chance to get away from negativity and social engineering.

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Doing your job

Queen Elizabeth II did her duty as a monarch. It required remaining neutral and not expressing her opinions or personal views

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Look on the bright side

After 32 years of agriculture journalism and farming before that, I see the outlook for farmers as brighter than ever.

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Hail the volunteers

A recent international survey placed New Zealand as the second worst country for expats to live in.

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Efficiency is the answer

The He Waka Eke Noa deal has been put to the Government and we wait on whether or not it will be accepted.

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Cost of control

In 2021 many economists were praising the Government for its quantitative easing, which is basically just printing money. Others (probably the minority) warned it would be inflationary. Too much money chasing too few goods.

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Strength in numbers

World Trade was humming along until Covid-19 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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