
Kiwi for Kiwis

A scheme to return kiwi to farms to the west of Wellington is on target. Sarah Horrocks reports.

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Rural and real

Injury-enforced down-time inspired Kate Ivey to set up her online business. By Lynda Gray.

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Return to the Hollyford track

Wanting to share his love of the outdoors with his partner, Peter Snowdon heads to Fiordland for a guided walk.

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Farming in the city

Auckland’s Cornwall Park farm has a long history with special challenges. By Glenys Christian. Photos by Alex Wallace.

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Disappointingly unconvincing

He Waka roadshow feedback, Balcairn, North Canterbury. By Annabelle Latz.

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Dear Auntie Thistledown

Yes we are all going to die, there is no amount of environmentalism that will render any of our darling readers immortal.

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