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Taking low-value wool to the wall

A self-confessed ‘wool evangelist’, Brad Stuart has turned his passion for wool as an undervalued product into a thriving wool insulation business. Words Tony Leggett.

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‘Minister of Wool’ on a mission

Helping to guide the strong wool industry to greater prosperity is much more than a government role for Associate Agriculture Minister Mark Patterson. It’s personal. Words Tony Leggett, Photos Mark Patterson.

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The business of sheep farming

Sheep farming is a business, and like all businesses, there is inherent risk. So how do you make sure that you are making sound business decisions and not being driven by emotion?
Words Dr. Mark Ferguson.

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Testing genetics in commercial hill country conditions

Understanding what a valuable resource the Central Progeny Test is to the industry, Paul Crick and Dayanne Almeida have been instrumental in the establishment in the first hill country Central Progeny Test flock. Words Sandra Taylor, Photos Arahua

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Feeding stock correctly to reduce worm burden

Nutrition is a fundamental component of parasite tolerance, but so is pasture management as a large contributing factor to your success or failure. Words Melinda Turner.

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Turning around triple drench resistance

When testing revealed triple drench resistance, station manager Charles Yule knew he had to consider changes to the property’s management strategy.
Words Tony Leggett, Photos John Cowpland, Alphapix Photography.

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Facing up to the threat

As an increasing number of sheep farmers grapple with triple drench resistance, a group of Wairarapa farmers are meeting on a regular basis to learn about managing parasites without relying on drenches. Words Sandra Taylor.

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Farming for the future

With an eye to the future, North Canterbury farmers Jock and Pip Foster see NZ Farm Assurance Programme (NZFAP) Plus accreditation as an opportunity to access markets and generate a premium for what they produce. Words SandRa Taylor, Photos Kelly Shakespeare.

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Five steps to controlling internal parasites

North Otago veterinarian Dave Roberston has developed a five-point plan to help farmers control parasites in sheep farm systems. Words Tony Leggett.

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