Jo Grigg

Becks Tosswill just wants to help out fellow sheep and beef farmers that are feeling overwhelmed by writing a submission on the Action for Healthy Waterways discussion document.

Together with Heather Collins, a farm consultant, Becks created a two-page guide on how to write one. Becks owns a branding and design business so appreciates the importance of clear messaging. She connected with Heather through a Red Meat Profit Partnership group that Heather facilitates.

Useful tips include going to the Contents page then finding sections relevant to you, for example Section 8, Improving farm practices.

“As you read the section ask yourself: what could these proposals mean for me, my family and our business, now and in the future?”

“Writing a submission is new territory for me and probably for quite a few farmers.”

She and her husband Richard farm sheep and beef cattle on hill country on Gladstone hill country in the Wairarapa and will both be putting submissions in. Becks will focus on the effect of rapid legislation change on the economic and mental welfare of farmers.

“If I help one or two people take the step to do a submission then that’s great.”

Becks’ guide can be found here.

Beef + Lamb NZ has developed this template for consultation on freshwater.


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